Retro World Launches R-Vaults
The Flagship Yield-Optimisation Platform of our Ecosystem
The main goal of investors, both big and small is to maximise their earning potential. Thus, leading them to search for an optimal platform amidst the vast DeFi ecosystem of offerings. Hence, to meet this demand we are proud to provide what we believe to be the pinnacle reward generation and maximisation platform our R-Vaults.
What are R-Vaults?
R-Vaults is a new additional platform to the Retro World ecosystem that will work synonymously with our existing farming dAPP. The R-Vaults are essentially a hub allowing users to gain increased profits by depositing LP Tokens into their chosen vaults with our R-Adaptive Auto-Compound feature. Your chosen vault will display your daily and annual APY rate and behind the scenes our on-chain intelligence will boost your earnings.
For example, you may hold CAKE, the current APY of committing your CAKE-BNB LP’s to the farm on Pancakeswap is 55.78%. Yet, if you choose to deposit into our R-Vaults this is boosted by R-Adaptive allowing you to earn more CAKE for your current CAKE holdings whilst protecting your principal.
In our genesis release there are 14 pools:
All genesis pools will initially provide rewards via a boosted profit schedule in the same token you deposited (Deposit (A) LP’s , Earn (A) LP’s.
Smart Routing
Our maximisation vaults work by boosting the APY profit schedule provided by a given platform via our R-Adaptive Auto-Compound feature. You will see reference to the base pool for all vaults present in the platform. We will strive to carry out rigorous screening and reviews of all source base pools before adding them to our R-Vaults.
Currently GooseDefi, Pancakeswap, Apeswap and BeefyFinance are being boosted by the auto-compounding metric. We plan to add Merlin, Wault Finance, Auto-Farm, PantherSwap and many others as we continue to provide the best profits for our users.
The Evolution of the R-Vaults
There will be several factors that will change as our R-Vault branch of the ecosystem continues to grow.
- We will continue to utilise smart routing to find the very best platforms to boost the earning and profit potential of our vaults. Our screening process ensures that all selected routes are from base platforms with high security integrity.
- We will add many vaults to our ecosystem and the reward structure will begin to evolve exponentially. For example — you will be able to deposit i.e. BUNNY-BNB LP’s or CAKE-BNB LP’s and earn BNB, ETH, BTC, CAKE or any reward structure desired due to the flexibility of our lead strategy contract. Additionally, will be the ability to utilise our vaults on different chains such as Polygon, Fantom and Harmony.
- The interoperability Holy Grail — Our vision is to have our Farming and Governance tokens RETRO & GOLD play a pivotal role within the R-Vaults. In a seamless manner you can switch between platforms, staking and farming your RETRO to earn GOLD rewards. Then you can take these earnings and compound them further by providing GOLD-BNB and RETRO-BNB to our R-Vaults.
We will create specialist boosted Vaults for RETRO and GOLD that will allow you to earn your favourite tokens by contributing our native tokens. i.e. deposit RETRO-BNB or GOLD-BNB LP’s to R-Vault, earn BUNNY, CAKE, BUSD, ETH, BTC… (x) rewards.
The R-Index, a Tool for Investment Diversification
The interoperability will not stop there and the R-Index Vault will push the Retro World Ecosystem above and beyond its competitors. This vault will allow users to deposit (A) LP’s in a fragmented manner into every vault in the R-Vault ecosystem. Allowing for investment diversification and exponentially boosted profits.
This is because (A) LP’s will be generating partial yields from all vaults, upon harvest our R-Adaptive on-chain intelligence will utilise a portion of these profits and exchange them for GOLD-BNB or RETRO-BNB, whilst simultaneously paying-out the user that called a withdrawal from the R-Index in BNB*. Hence, you will essentially get a diversified investment metric in all of our vaults that pays out profits in BNB and also supports the farming ecosystem’s dual token value accrual proposition.
Accessing the R-Vaults
You may access the R-Vault platform via Our Farming Platform
or directly R-Vault Platform
UI/UX Updates and Upcoming
We would like to make everyone aware that within the coming week we will be making optimisations and updates to the UI for both mobile and desktop versions of the R-Vaults.
Additionally we will be adding a landing page to navigate to both platforms within the ecosystem, the voting (DAO) system, and our very our Retro Dashboard.
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